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Don’t Sleep on Sleep Continuity

Good sleep continuity is key to waking up feeling refreshed and limiting daytime sleepiness.


Leadership Scholar Program Success Story: Admission Accomplished

Now, a student at Yale University, Sgt Buckholz thanks the Leadership Scholar Program for assisting him through the academic preparation and application process, as he pursues his degree in astronomy.


6 Tips from an HR Professional on How to Get Your Resume to the Hiring Manager

Have you ever applied for a job position and thought, “Why didn’t I get an interview? I was perfect for that job.” To navigate the employment process effectively, you need to know what HR professionals look for when they are reading your resume and to help with that, the MCCS Miramar HR team has put together 6 tips to help you get your resume to the hiring manager’s desk.


It Matters Where You Shop This Holiday Season

Shop your local Marine Corps Exchange this holiday season and enter to win some amazing prizes and MCX gift cards!


Marine Reflects on COOL Opportunity

Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) helps Marines find information on certifications and licenses related to their military occupation and civilian careers.

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