

Emphasizing skill building in areas such as leadership, communication, resilience, relationship effectiveness and overall readiness. Every workshop offers an open and highly interactive atmosphere, where participants are in the driver’s seat. Workshops are geared toward every demographic, catering to those who are active duty, family members, single, married, or anywhere in between. With curriculum designed by Best Selling authors and highly acclaimed personal development groups, these workshops can generate results that impact every aspect of a participant’s life.

Events Calendar

4 Lenses Foundation
Every person you meet or interact with is a unique individual. Each has their own preferences, expressed in different styles, mannerisms, and ways they were raised, and their distinctive life experiences make them different from any other person who has ever lived on this earth. This diversity is what makes life so interesting, and is also the cause of much heartache and misunderstanding.

It is no secret that the degree of happiness and/or success we achieve in our lives depends heavily upon our ability to positively interact with others. In fact, almost everything we want in life must come to us through the hands of another. Our parents, teachers, family members, neighbors, clients, co-workers, and the rest of the human race are linked in this amazing way. Therefore, unless we plan on living in total isolation from the rest of the world, the more we know about ourselves and others, the more skilled we will become in accomplishing what matters most in life.

It is one of the most valuable things you can ever learn to look with understanding into the heart of another. This training is specifically designed for that purpose. This training has strengthened marriages, opened the lines of communication between children and parents, reduced personal misunderstandings, and generally helped individuals communicate with others in a way that fosters mutual understanding and acceptance. Used properly, the principles you will discover in this workshop will empower you to improve aspects of every personal relationship in your life.

4 Lenses for Leaders
Pre-requisite is attending 4 Lenses-foundation.
Now that you know about the worlds of Oranges, Golds, Greens, and Blues, learn how to utilize the information to improve your leadership impact. Learn to leverage key principles for each temperament in motivating, leading, and managing others.

5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity
Participants learn to make high-value decisions using the 21st-Century time-management skills of decision, attention, and energy management combined with powerful planning processes.

Supported by science and years of experience in time management, this solution not only produces a measurable increase in daily productivity, but also provides a renewed sense of engagement and accomplishment that will dramatically increase their ability to achieve their highest priorities in the midst of unprecedented distractions.

The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity combines timeless principles with current neuroscience research to help better manage decisions, attention and energy to consistently make choices that give the greatest return on time.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®, has been a top-seller for the simple reason that it ignores trends and pop psychology for proven principles of fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity and is considered one of the most impactful books ever written on personal effectiveness, leadership development and change. For over 15 years, the 7 Habits are still relevant today continuing to help people solve personal and professional problems.

In this 3-day workshop, participants gain hands-on experience applying timeless principles that yield improved communication, strengthened relationships, increased influence, and laser-like focus on critical priorities. The course also includes over 30 award-winning videos. Learn first how to win your personal victory identifying goals and what’s important. Then build upon that to win the public victory of working with others to achieve your goals and more.

Leading Positive Change

Learning to work and perform in stressful situations is a must for military members. When things go sideways, having experience working in those conditions helps Marines react quickly, without hesitation, to get the job done.

But science has proven, when our brains are stressed out, brain functions shut down to simply fight or flight responses. Meaning, at that instance, our brains are under-performing compared to performance when we are happy or positive. There are times when this reaction is necessary, but it can become the norm if it is the only condition in which we constantly function.

Outside of those moments, when Marines can take a step back out of the stress and into a more positive mindset or environment, they can capitalize on increased performance, productivity, innovation, and are more open to new ways of doing things.

When primed to be positive, a team will be able to build more intellectual, social, and physical resources they can rely on in the future. Biologically, being happy not only makes people feel good, it also dials up the learning center of the brain and aids in organizing new information, retaining it longer, and facilitating faster retrieval later on. Positivity makes and sustains new neural connections, which allows us to think more quickly and creatively, become more skilled at complex analysis and problem solving, and see and invent new ways of doing things.

As if those benefits were not enough, the Army has done a comprehensive evaluation of Soldier and Family Fitness in conjunction with positive psychology. The results revealed that exposure to this type of training increased various aspects of the Soldier’s resilience and psychological health, which in turn, appeared to be associated with a reduced likelihood of receiving a diagnosis for a mental health problem (ie. Anxiety, depression, or PTSD). Moreover, the findings provided evidence that Soldiers exposed to the training were diagnosed with substance abuse problems at a significantly lower rate than Soldiers who were not exposed to the training.

The skills and knowledge attendees acquire from the Happiness Advantage curriculum taught during Positive Performance can improve resiliency, productivity, innovation, and more in Marines and family members.

5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
Want to increase productivity and job satisfaction amongst employees? Studies show that the biggest factor influencing employees is whether they feel their supervisor and co-workers appreciate their contributions. At work, people express and receive appreciation in different ways. If you try to express appreciation in ways that aren’t meaningful to your co-workers, they may not feel valued at all. In this workshop, we will help you identify the five languages of appreciation in order to be able to understand and speak your co-worker or staff member’s language.

Interpersonal Communication
This workshop is an educational experience to increase competence by using more effective communication skills to promote healthy relationships (of any kind). The focus is preventative in nature, enabling service members and their families to function more effectively at home and at work, thereby supporting personal self-sufficiency and operational readiness in the field.

Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results
Great leaders can be defined as having these 4 Imperatives: 1 Imperative 1: Inspire Trust-to build credibility as a leader, so that people will trust you with their highest efforts. 2 Imperative 2: Clarify Purpose-to define a clear and compelling purpose that people will want to offer their best to achieve.  3 Imperative 3: Align Systems-to create systems of success that support the purpose and goals of the organization, enable people to do their best work, operate independently of you, and endure overtime.  4 Imperative 4: Unleash Talent-to develop a winning team, where people’s unique talents are leveraged against clear performance expectations in a way that encourages responsibility and growth.

Overcome today’s challenges by tapping into the best thinking of well-known leadership experts such as:
• Jack Welch – Former CEO of General Electric
• Ram Charan – ‘Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done’
• Fred Reichheld – ‘The Ultimate Question’
• Clayton Christensen – ‘The Innovator’s Dilemma’
• Stephen M. R. Covey – ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’
• Stephen M. R. Covey – ‘The Speed of Trust’

Emergency Preparedness
Ready for the zombie apocalypse? What about earthquakes or wild fires? What will happen to your family, dog, or things if evacuation occurs? Natural and man-made hazards are a real threat to the readiness of you and your family. It is important that Marines and their families prepare themselves for all types of emergencies to increase their personal sense of security, peace of mind, and readiness of life outside of duty.

During this workshop, participants will learn actions that should be taken to be informed and prepared in the event an emergency occurs.

Family Care Plan
Spouses, children, pets oh my! The list can be long of all the roles a Marine has outside of the Marine Corps. How are those holes covered when a Marine leaves with short notice? Who will provide care for a single Marine’s pet? Who will help a spouse who breaks a leg? Who cares for children if both spouses have to deploy? If not prepared with a Family Care Plan, this can add stress and distraction from the mission for the Marine. The Family Care Plan is an essential part of military readiness that helps Marines focus on their job and mission during deployment, mobilization, training, or other times when duty calls. This workshop will help Marines and their families with the basics of a Family Care Plan.

Social Networking Safety
We all know loose lips sink ships, but there are many more dangers than just on the internet. From hackers running off with your entire boy band MP3 collection, to identity theft, home burglary, and personal safety issues – the threats are real and can materialize from social networking pitfalls. This workshop offers information on how to protect yourself and ways to stay safe on the internet and on social networking sites.

Safe and Sound at Home
Do you run with headphones in? Are you on your phone when walking to your car at night? How do you validate a person showing up to do a “service call”? What if some of our everyday habits are actually compromising our safety? Are you doing everything in your power to stay safe?

This workshop provides important safety precautions for Marine Corps families, and instills family members with the ability and confidence to be responsible for their personal safety and the safety of their families at all times. Whether it’s keeping your home safe, or yourself and your family

Scared of “the Call”? The Casualty Process De-Mystified
The Marine Corps strives to support the loved ones of wounded or deceased service members, and many families still do not know what is involved in getting their Marine home, nor what benefits and services are available to them. Not having knowledge of this process can make it appear complex and frightening to loved ones. This workshop will help minimize stress and confusion by providing a brief overview on the casualty process.

Readiness Series
Are you fully prepared for the zombie plague? Have you ever considered the impact of rogue unicorns?

Sure the Mayans were wrong about 2012, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook! No matter what the threat, families that take time to prepare are able to face any separation (long or short) with a greater sense of confidence and security. This workshop is a collection of LifeSkills classes which addresses the big ticket items that military families should be educated on and prepared for prior to any deployments or separations. This collection includes: Emergency Preparedness, Safe & Sound at Home, and Social Networking Safety. Be ready to go when your Marine goes.

5 Love Languages
Have you ever thought “if my significant other loved me: they would just spend time with me; they would just do what I asked; they would just get me tokens of love; they would just tell me; they would just hold my hand?”

It could be you have different LOVE Languages. So what if you could say or do just the right thing guaranteed to make that special someone feel loved and they could do the same for you?

The secret is learning the right love language! Millions of couples have learned the simple way to express their feelings and bring joy back into relationships. This workshop will help couples express their love for their significant other in the fashion that their mate would desire. It is based on the platinum rule “love others the way THEY WANT to be loved!”

Building Lasting Relationships
This workshop provides practical information and tools to enhance healthy relationships and educate service members and their partners on how to successfully nurture and maintain a positive union. It is designed to be preventative in nature by teaching and demonstrating positive, proactive ways to build a healthy, lasting relationship.

Married 4 Life
This fun interactive workshop, using the strong, evidence-based PREP 8.0 model, is designed to help couples achieve their goals in relationships and family. The curriculum is designed to build on the existing strengths of the couple and add critical life and relationship skills that will help participants to create safer, more stable couple relationships.

By emphasizing a couple’s strengths and addressing the vulnerabilities couples face as challenges that can be overcome, the learning model employed in the PREP Approach is educational, with the focus on teaching couples the kinds of attitudes and actions that make for relational success.

While couples do a great deal of work and reflection together, an emphasis is placed on what the individual thinks, does, and reacts to since couples are only as healthy as the individuals that comprise them.

This program is well received by couples who have been together for some time; who may be in distress; and who are just starting long-term commitment.

How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk/Jerkette
Based on years of research on marital and premarital happiness, this workshop will help participants break destructive dating patterns that prevent them from finding the love they deserve. Topics include asking the right questions to inspire meaningful, revealing conversations with your partner and how to resolve some of their own emotional baggage to prepare them for a healthy relationship.

CREDO is not currently available at MCAS Miramar. However active duty may attend a CREDO marriage enrichment seminar through Camp Pendleton. Please visit for more information, or call (760) 725–4954.

Building Healthy Blended Families
Trying to figure out how to balance two households set to collide? Tired of playing the evil step-parent in your very own fairytale movie? Come crack the code on the common challenges facing blended families. Explore new ways in achieving family unity, all while spending some time with others that are in the same boat as you. Who knows, you may be able to steal some of their ideas and end up like the Brady Bunch – minus the bell bottoms.

Intro to Stress Management
What isn’t stressful these days? Bills are due. Competing for promotion. New to area and no friends or family around. While stress is a normal part of life, especially for military members and their families, the effect of stress can cause long lasting damage if not properly handled. This workshop provides a general overview of stress, its causes and effects, and the importance of recognizing individual responses to stress, as well as successful strategies for improving personal well-being and personal relationships with others.

Intro to Anger Management
Although disagreements and anger are a normal part of life, how you express that anger can have a very detrimental effect on your relationship with others. This workshop provides education on the dynamics of anger and offers a variety of acceptable coping strategies to handle angry feelings and behaviors.

Intro to Conflict Management
Learn useful skills to constructively manage conflict. Most of us can think of a time when we didn’t handle conflict very well. This class will boost your confidence towards effective conflict management. it’s hard to manage what we don’t understand. Your relationship with those you care about will be greatly boosted by learning the ins and outs of effective conflict management.Resiliency Series

Resiliency Series
Are you wondering what it is that will be the last straw before you’re crying in your glass of wine? Does it seem like everyone is stomping on your last nerve? Or maybe everything is Instagram perfect and you want to keep it that way. This workshop is a one-stop-shop collection all three of these classes to save you multiple trips to base. Learn how to minimize stress, coping strategies for anger, how to manage conflict, and successful strategies for improving personal well-being and personal relationships with others.

Contact Information and Resources

Phone: 8583074918

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Hours of operation:

Monday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Closed Holidays
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