Lakes, Ponds & Fishing

Getting there: The Fish Pond is close and easy to get to! Take Pless Road south off Miramar Way (just west of the Brig). Turn right after the “narrow bridge,” ignore the first left turn, and go straight to the top of the hill; you’ll see the sign and entrance on your right. Park in the lot and walk down to the pond.

Get a license: A fishing permit is available FREE at Party Adventure Recreation Center (PARC).

Fishing rules: You must be at least 13 to fish alone. Fish only from designated areas. All fish must be taken on hook and line. Use of minnows, frogs, shiners or gamefish for bait is prohibited. Chum or attractant is not permitted. Catch and release only. Click [ here ] for complete rules.

Fish Pond rules: No open fires (including grills). Alcohol and smoking are not permitted. All dogs must be on a leash. Park where indicated; handicap parking is permitted at the lower level. Boating and swimming are not permitted. Observe Fish Pond hours.


Getting there:
The Fish Pond is close and easy to get to! Take Pless Road south off Miramar Way (just west of the Brig). Turn right after the “narrow bridge,” ignore the first left turn, and go straight to the top of the hill; you’ll see the sign and entrance on your right. Park in the lot and walk down to the pond.

Fishing License

Get a license:
A fishing permit is available FREE at Party Adventure Recreation Center (PARC). Fishing rules: You must be at least 13 to fish alone. Fish only from designated areas. All fish must be taken on hook and line. Use of minnows, frogs, shiners or gamefish for bait is prohibited. Chum or attractant is not permitted. Catch and release only.

Fishing Rules

Fish Pond rules:
No open fires (including grills). Alcohol and smoking are not permitted. All dogs must be on a leash. Park where indicated; handicap parking is permitted at the lower level. Boating and swimming are not permitted. Observe Fish Pond hours.

A few words of caution:
The Fish Pond is located near the west end of the runway. Departing aircraft, especially F/A-18 Hornets on take-off, can be very loud, very suddenly. You may wish to bring hearing protection. Please consider the effect of jet aircraft noise on very young children. MCAS Miramar is located in the desert, the natural habitat of several varieties of snakes. Please use caution, and don’t let your children wander though the brush above the pond.


Contact Information and Resources
MCAS Miramar Fish Pond

Phone: 8583074150

Fish Pond (Admin): 8583077933

Hours of operation:

  Fish Pond Admin Hours at PARC
Monday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Closed Holidays
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