Firearm Suicide Prevention

Stop, Lock and Live

Firearm Suicide Prevention

CALM (Counseling on Access to Lethal Means) Training – No DOD Endorsement Implied
Free 2-hour online course. Objectives: Identify people who could benefit from lethal means counseling; ask about access to lethal methods; work collaboratively to reduce access.

Lock2Live* – No DOD Endorsement Implied.
Confidential online tool to help you make decisions about temporarily reducing access to potentially dangerous things, like firearms, medicines, sharp objects, or other household items.

DSPO Suggested Actions for Commanding Officers for firearms

Poway Weapons and Gear Range – No DOD Endorsement Implied

  • Discounted firearm storage during a crisis period to reduce one’s risk of suicide
  • Call (858) 206-5057 for details.

San Diego County Firearm Suicide Prevention – No DOD Endorsement Implied

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. To seek assistance for a mental health or suicide crisis please contact these 24/7 resources. There is help, there is hope.

Contact Information and Resources
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