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Human Performance

Human Performance

Semper Fit Human Performance employs subject matter experts, including one of only two registered dietitians in the Marine Corps within Semper Fit. Our SME’s provide training, education, resources, and referrals that support mission readiness, optimal performance and resiliency.

Representatives from Human Performance hold regular health and nutrition classes and are available to come directly to individual units and offer briefs on topics such as BCP and remedial nutrition, fitness, injury prevention, weight loss, performance and sports nutrition, dietary supplement training, chronic diseases, tobacco cessation, sexual health, sleep and cognitive function and can also tailor presentations to fit specific needs.

The mission of the Semper Fit Human Performance is to educate and encourage beneficiaries (active duty, reservists, family members, retirees and civilian employees) to improve their health and well-being through the voluntary adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

The Marine Corps defines the following topics as the most prevalent health issues that impact mission readiness and are therefore the focus of the Human Performance Program.

Seven Semper Fit Elements:

  • Performance
  • Nutrition
  • Chronic Diseases
  • Tobacco Cessation
  • Injury Prevention
  • Sleep
  • Cognitive Performance
  • Sexual Health and Responsibility

Performance Nutrition Class

Do you want to: Lose weight? Eat better? Build muscle? Enhance your exercise performance? Join us for a Performance Nutrition class! Learn how, when, why and what you eat makes a difference in improving your overall performance. Class offered the first Wednesday of every month from 1130-1230 at the Human Performance Center (located inside the HITT Center – Bldg. 2525) – Free to attend. Classes begin January 2023.

One-on-One Nutrition Counseling

One-on-One Nutrition Counseling available for Performance Nutrition, Weight Management, Chronic Diseases (high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.)

Call the Human Performance Center at 858-307-7963 to set up an appointment:

$0 Active Duty & Reservists / $35 All Others

Metabolism Testing*

Is your Metabolism fast or slow? Find out by getting your metabolism tested. Testing available at Human Performance Center 858-307-7963, Semper Fit Center 858-307-4654 and Miramar Sports Complex 858-307-4128. Call to set up an appointment: $20 Active Duty / $25 All Others

InBody Body Composition Testing*

Find out what your made up of! This test measures water, muscle mass and % fat in just minutes. Let us help you make changes, based on your results, to reach your health and fitness goals. Call the Human Performance Center at 858-307-7963 to set up an appointment. $15

Lipids, Glucose and Blood Pressure Testing*

Do you have heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes in your family? Most people have one or all, increasing your risk for developing these chronic diseases. Get your lipid, glucose and blood pressure levels tested to see if your lifestyle is helping or harming you. Call the Human Performance Center at 858-307-7963 to set up an appointment. $5

Bundle Testing Available for a Discount

See Human Performance Services “Download” section, to download the PDF flyer.

Tobacco/Vape Cessation

Tired of spending money and being dependent on nicotine? Interested is quitting all forms of tobacco including vape? Human Performance can help with medications, tobacco cessation products and known tips and tricks to help you quit. This program increases your chances of quitting this time by 50%! Call the Human Performance Center at 858-307-7963 to set up an appointment.

Sleep and Recovery Class and Coaching

Tired of being tired? Not getting enough sleep night after night? Learn techniques that can help you get more and deeper sleep so you feel revived in the morning! Class offered the first Tuesday of every month from 1130-1230 at the Human Performance Center (located inside the HITT Center – Bldg. 2525) – Free to attend. Classes begin January 2023.
*For all tests: Must abstain from food and beverages, caffeine, supplements and tobacco at least 5 hours prior to measurement and no exercise for 8 hours. Consuming water is necessary and encouraged.
Contact Information and Resources
Human Performance: Located inside the HITT Center

Phone: 8583077963

Hours of operation:

Monday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Thursday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Holiday hours may vary.
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