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The Ultimate Guide to Group Fitness Classes at the Semper Fit Center

Why Group Fitness Classes are Beneficial and Where They are Offered on Base

Participating in fitness classes led by an expert can provide you with proper instruction, motivation, and social interaction, all of which can contribute to improved fitness outcomes and a more enjoyable fitness experience. Did you know some of the most popular workout classes are offered at The Semper Fit Center? Classes like spin, Zumba, and yoga are regularly held and available for authorized patrons.

Why Group Classes are Beneficial

Classes are Led by an Expert

Fitness classes led by an expert provide you with professional guidance and instruction on how to perform exercises correctly and safely. This helps you avoid injuries and ensures that you are using the proper form, which maximizes the effectiveness of your workouts.

Building a Community

Fitness classes led by experts often provide opportunities for social interaction and community building. Exercising with others who share similar fitness goals can be motivating and enjoyable, and can also help you build a supportive network of like-minded individuals.


Working out in a group setting led by an expert can be highly motivating and provide a sense of accountability. The expert can provide encouragement, support, and feedback during the class, helping you stay committed to your fitness journey and push yourself to achieve better results.

Opportunities on Base

Basic 101

Every Monday and Wednesday from 9:00am-9:45am
Get ready to feel strong and confident with this empowering workout! Using weights, a chair, the TRX, and a stability ball, you'll engage in purposeful movements designed to build your strength and stability. As you power through each exercise, you'll feel your muscles working hard as your body becomes more balanced and centered.

Cardio Mix

Every Monday from 10:00am-10:45am
Feel the rhythm and unleash your inner athlete with this dynamic and empowering workout that blends dance, aerobics, boxing, and conditioning! As you move to the beat and sweat it out, you'll feel energized, empowered, and confident in your body's abilities. With each step, you'll be building endurance, strength, and coordination, while also connecting with the vibrant rhythms.

BYOB/Fusion (Build Your Own Body)

Every Monday from 11:00am-11:45am
Ready to sculpt and strengthen your body? Look no further than this amazing workout that utilizes suspension and strength training to help you get toned, fit, and feeling fantastic! By focusing on developing your balance, flexibility, and core stability, you'll be able to achieve a new level of strength and endurance, all while enjoying a fun and challenging workout that will leave you feeling energized and accomplished.


Every Monday from noon to 12:45pm
This is a holistic practice that engages your mind, body, and spirit to bring about numerous health benefits. Mat Pilates is a low-impact exercise that focuses on building core strength and stability. It utilizes your own body weight as resistance, which helps to build lean muscle and tone your body.

Restorative Yoga

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30am-7:15am
Treat yourself to some much-needed relaxation and restoration with our restorative yoga class! This amazing practice is specifically designed to help you slow your heart rate, regulate your blood pressure, and release tension from your body, leaving you feeling calm, centered, and refreshed. Through gentle, supported poses and guided breathwork, you'll be able to tap into a deep sense of peace and tranquility, allowing you to release stress and anxiety, and connect with a deeper sense of inner peace.

Gentle Yoga

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00am-9:45am
Are you ready to connect with your body and tap into a deeper sense of self-awareness? Through gentle, slow-paced poses, mindful breathwork, and meditation, you'll be able to tune out distractions and focus on your body's needs and sensations. As you move through each pose and release tension with each breath, you'll feel your mind and body syncing up in perfect harmony, allowing you to achieve a greater sense of balance, clarity, and inner peace.


Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10:00am-10:45am
Are you ready to shake up your fitness routine and get your groove on? Look no further than our amazing Zumba class! This high-energy workout combines dance routines with cardio exercises, helping you to get fit, tone up, and have a blast while doing it. With our instructors and lively music, you'll feel energized and motivated as you move your body to the beat and improve your cardiovascular fitness.


Every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00am-11:30am
Short on time but still want to get an amazing workout in? Our incredible 30-minute High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on a stationary bike is the perfect solution! With this efficient and effective workout, you'll be able to increase your fitness levels, build strength, and see results fast. Through challenging intervals and dynamic movements, you'll push your limits and feel the burn, all while enjoying the convenience and comfort of an indoor cycling workout.


Every Tuesday from 11:30am-12:30pm
This yoga session is an invigorating and empowering experience that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. Our talented instructors will guide you through a variety of poses and movements, designed to increase your flexibility, improve your posture, and help you develop a deeper connection with your body and mind.

Chair Yoga

Every Friday from 9:00am-9:45am
Looking for a way to incorporate the amazing benefits of yoga into your day, even when you're sitting at a desk or have limited mobility? Our incredible chair yoga practice is the perfect solution! With modifications to traditional yoga poses, you'll be able to enjoy all the benefits of regular yoga practice, from improved flexibility and balance to reduced stress and increased relaxation. Whether you're looking to take a quick break from office work, or simply want to incorporate some gentle movement into your day, our chair yoga practice is accessible, enjoyable, and perfect for everyone.


Every Wednesday from 10:00am-10:45am
With high-energy music, fun choreography, and a supportive community of dancers, you'll feel like you're in the middle of a dance club rather than a workout class. With a focus on hip-hop rhythms, you'll be able to move your body in dynamic and engaging ways, while also building strength, stamina, and coordination. Warmup and cooldown that includes stretches, you'll leave each class feeling energized, refreshed, and ready to take on the day.

BYOB/CFT (Build Your Own Body and Circuit Fitness Training)

Every Wednesday from 11:00am-11:30am
This is an exciting and dynamic workout that combines six or more exercises performed with short rest periods between them. Whether you're looking to build muscle, burn fat, or simply improve your overall fitness, circuit training is an excellent way to get the results you're looking for.

Schedule Unit Physical Training

If you're interested in doing PT as a group of 15 people or more, contact Elizabeth Williams at (858)307-4669 at least 72 hours in advance to schedule.
For more information on the group classes available, click here for all the classes offered each month.
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